Symposium of Student Scientific Circles 20th Edition – 2024

Date: 16 mai 2024
Time: 0:00 - 0:00
Student Events

Symposium Agenda

  1. Learning Physics Through Games by Using a Sketchy Approach
    • Student: Namani Samuel
    • Coordinator: Conf. Dr. Ing. Mironescu Ion Dan
  2. Learning Physics Through Games by Using a Realistic Approach
    • Student: Ayala Sebastian
    • Coordinator: Conf. Dr. Ing. Mironescu Ion Dan
  3. Control of Hygiene Status of Food Packaging
    • Students: Groza Răzvan Alexandru, Preda Vasilica Roxana, Fuiorea Nicoleta Andreea, Sdira Ana-Maria
    • Coordinator: Conf. Dr. Ing. Mironescu Monica
  4. Obtaining and Quality Assessment of Pistachio-Based Pasta
    • Students: Dancu Antonia Ioana, Ionescu Bianca Giorgiana
    • Coordinator: Conf. Dr. Ing. Mironescu Monica, Conf. Dr. Ing. Mironescu Ion Dan
  5. Hygiene Aspects in the Food Industry: Case Study in a Honey Processing Plant
    • Students: D’Antonio Giovanni, Leone Gaia Maria Pia
    • Institution: University of Molise, Italy
    • Coordinator: Conf. Dr. Ing. Mironescu Monica, Conf. Dr. Georgescu Cecilia
  6. Innovative Use of Fatty Seed Flours in Sweet Product Production
    • Student: Mir Izabela-Gabriela
    • Coordinator: Conf. Dr. Ing. Mironescu Monica
  7. Designing an Innovative Product – Honey House Chocolate – and a Quality Control Laboratory
    • Student: Dandu Andreea-Raluca
    • Coordinator: Conf. Dr. Ing. Mironescu Monica
  8. Aspects of Producing Sheep’s Milk Cheese with Fennel Addition
    • Student: Cotoară Claudia
    • Coordinators: Prof. Univ. Dr. Ing. Tița Mihaela, Ș. L. Dr. Ing. Constantinescu Adelina
  9. Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Goat Milk Telemea Cheese with Hop Addition
    • Student: Drașovean Andreea-Simona
    • Coordinators: Prof. Univ. Dr. Ing. Tița Mihaela, Ș. L. Dr. Ing. Constantinescu Adelina
  10. Physico-Chemical and Sensory Profile of Some Red Wines from Drăgășani Vineyard
    • Student: Paumier Léo
    • Coordinators: Prof. Univ. Dr. Ing. Tița Ovidiu, Conf. Dr. Ing. Mironescu Monica, Ș. L. Dr. Ing. Constantinescu Adelina
  11. Technological Management of Marzipan-Filled Chocolate Production
    • Student: Piciu Ioana
    • Coordinator: Conf. Dr. Ing. Mironescu Ion Dan
  12. Comparative Study of Sweetness Levels in Natural Sweeteners Used in the Food Industry
    • Student: Jianu Diana-Florina
    • Coordinator: Conf. Dr. Ing. Mironescu Monica
  13. Influence of Flour Granulation and Sugar Types on Soft Dough Mix Behavior
    • Student: Cătănoiu Ștefania
    • Coordinators: Conf. Dr. Ing. Mironescu Monica, Conf. Dr. Ing. Mironescu Ion Dan, Ș. L. Dr. Ing. Ognean Mihai
  14. Laboratory Production of Soft Doughs Based on Hemp Flour and Sensory Evaluation in Sweet Products
    • Students: Brad Iulia-Elena, Hadăr Antonia-Andreea
    • Coordinators: Drd. Ing. Stanciu Monica, Conf. Dr. Ing. Mironescu Monica
  15. Experimental Research on Diversifying Corn Flour-Based Products
    • Students: Dragoș Denisa-Maria, Tăvală Ioana-Diana
    • Coordinators: Drd. Ing. Stanciu Monica, Conf. Dr. Ing. Mironescu Monica
  16. Experimental Research on Developing Innovative Vegan Products Based on Almond Flour
    • Students: Bogățan Georgiana-Mihaela, Luca Ana-Maria, Popelca Georgiana-Denisa
    • Coordinators: Drd. Ing. Stanciu Monica, Conf. Dr. Ing. Mironescu Monica
  17. Experimental Research on the Fermentative Potential of a Schwarzbier Type Beer Wort
    • Student: Cicic Igor
    • Coordinators: Ș. L. Dr. Ing. Păcală Mariana-Liliana, Prof. Univ. Dr. Ing. Șipoș Anca, Ș. L. Dr. Ing. Căpățână Ciprian
  18. Utilizing the Versatile Nature of Pancakes for Diversifying Dessert Products
    • Students: Dumitru Bianca-Gabriela, Moldovan Andrei-Sebastian
    • Coordinators: Drd. Ing. Stanciu Monica, Conf. Dr. Ing. Mironescu Monica
  19. Utilizing the Versatile Nature of Pancakes for Diversifying Breakfast Products
    • Students: Iosa Adela-Bianca, Mohanu Maria-Cristina
    • Coordinators: Drd. Ing. Stanciu Monica, Conf. Dr. Ing. Mironescu Monica
  20. Advanced Valorization of Fish Industry Waste
    • Student: Adam Loredana
    • Coordinators: Ș. L. Dr. Ing. Drăghici Olga, Ș. L. Dr. Ing. Ketney Otto
  21. Research on Obtaining High-Protein Bread Varieties
    • Student: Bobăilă Ioana-Emilia
    • Coordinators: Ș. L. Dr. Ing. Ognean Mihai, Ș. L. Dr. Ing. Ognean Claudia Felicia
  22. Research on Obtaining Walnut-Filled Cozonac
    • Student: Moghină Robert Ștefan
    • Coordinators: Ș. L. Dr. Ing. Ognean Mihai, Ș. L. Dr. Ing. Ognean Claudia Felicia
  23. Research on Obtaining a Functional Sea Buckthorn and Propolis-Based Jelly
    • Students: Moghină Robert Ștefan, Panainte Laurențiu Marian, Mija Maria-Cristina
    • Coordinators: Ș. L. Dr. Ing. Ognean Mihai, Ș. L. Dr. Ing. Ognean Claudia Felicia
  24. Design and Characterization of an Innovative Product – Hemp Seed Cream Wafers
    • Student: Budiană Gabriel Alexandru
    • Coordinator: Conf. Dr. Ing. Mironescu Monica