Seminar on Local and European Policies to Support the Competitiveness of SMEs in the Food Industry 2014

Date: 20 noiembrie 2014
Time: 0:00 - 0:00
Location: Sibiu
Other events

ULBS Academic Meeting Center, in collaboration with the Agency for Regional Development Center „Gheorghe Ionescu Sisești” Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences.
The purpose of this seminar was to discuss, together with decision makers, policies and programs for the period 2014-2020, on supporting and financing the competitiveness and sustainability of SMEs in the food industry.
Models of good practice for the development of local partnerships between producers, processors and distributors in the agri-food sector were presented, leading to a better use of local resources and to increasing the safety and quality of local agri-food products.
Another important topic of the seminar was the presentation of funding opportunities for existing research and innovation projects in the fields of food security, sustainable agriculture, bioeconomy and biotechnology, through Horizon 2020 and other national programs.