National Phase Ecotrophelia Competition 2015

Date: 27 mai 2015
Time: 0:00 - 0:00
Location: Sibiu
Ecotrophelia competition | Student Events

The Ecotropheia Competition is a competition that addresses all European students in order to create an eco-innovative food product with commercial potential. The national phase of the contest took place in Miercurea Ciuc, June 26-29, 2014 and was organized by the Association of Food Industry Specialists in Romania, European Technology Platform Food for Life Romania and Sapientia Transilvania University, the host of this event.
The „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu was represented at the national phase of the European Ecotropy 2014 contest by two teams: „Mirabelle” team consisting of the students Andrasescu Daniela, Aleman Roxana, Buce Denisa and „Ciocosib” team consisting of Şuiu Daniel, Nicu Alexandra, Lăzărescu Iulia, Frîncu Iulian, both from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Food Industry and Environmental Protection (SAIAPM), coordinated by Assoc. Prof. Mironescu Monica Ph.D.

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apparition in national and local Newspapers: