Metal Forming Research Center
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Laboratory of multifunctional materials

The laboratory includes several pieces of equipment designed for destructive testing (tension, compression, bending, torsion) in a static regime, through which the mechanical and elastic characteristics of various tested materials can be determined. Among these, we mention:

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The laboratory also has equipment designed for studying the stress and strain states in various structures. These include:

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Additionally, for performing numerical simulations using the Finite Element Method, the laboratory has academic licenses (12) and a research license (1) for the ABAQUS software package. This software allows the simulation of the mechanical behavior of various structures in the elastic and/or plastic domain, using the stress-strain characteristic curves obtained from physical tests conducted in the laboratory. Moreover, among the equipment used for investigating materials in the field of textile engineering available in the laboratory, we mention:

It should be noted that the laboratory conducts research on the performance of raw materials and materials obtained through advanced surface modification technologies, the physical-mechanical characterization and comfort parameters of textile products, and the investigation of functional changes resulting from the application of natural products or coatings made with metallic nanoparticles. The laboratory is also equipped with a device for determining abrasion resistance, which provides characterization of the wear behavior of materials obtained through the aforementioned surface modification techniques.