Metal Forming Research Center
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Metal Forming Research Center

The Metal Forming Research Centre is a distinct research unit within "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu. This is one of the first centres of this kind within the Romanian higher education system and it was founded under the framework or the TEMPUS (JEP 2766-91) interuniversity cooperation programme, by means of the Minister of education order no. 8541/1991.

The structure and the activities of the centre were inspired from the metal forming research centres within the universities of Stuttgart and Hanover (Germany), namely Institut fuer Umformtechnik Stuttgart and Institut fuer Umformtechnik und Umformmaschinen Hanover. The centre has within its structure research facilities, laboratories, offices, library, which totals a surface greater than 400 square metres.

The continuous development of the centre over the years has made it possible to be evaluated and recognized in 2002 as a research centre according to the National Council of Scientific Research within Higher Education criteria.

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