Food, Nutrition and Health

Food Safety and Quality

New Food Technologies and Innovation

Advanced Fermentation Process Control

Research Areas - CCBIA

Research Areas

Our multidisciplinary research spans across various fields within food science and technology.

Food, Nutrition and Health

Our research in Food, Nutrition, and Health focuses on understanding the complex relationships between diet, nutritional status, and overall health. We aim to develop functional foods and nutritional strategies that enhance wellbeing and prevent chronic diseases. Key areas of study include:

  • Bioavailability of nutrients and bioactive compounds
  • Impact of dietary patterns on metabolic health
  • Development of nutraceuticals and functional foods
  • Role of microbiota in health and disease

Food Safety and Quality

Ensuring food safety and maintaining high quality standards are critical aspects of our research. We employ advanced analytical techniques to detect contaminants and pathogens, and we develop innovative methods to preserve food quality. Our focus areas include:

  • Microbial safety and control measures
  • Chemical contaminant detection and mitigation
  • Shelf-life extension and food preservation
  • Quality assurance and regulatory compliance

New Food Technologies and Innovation

Innovation is at the heart of our research, driving the development of new food technologies that improve efficiency, sustainability, and consumer satisfaction. We explore cutting-edge techniques and materials to transform the food industry. Our research includes:

  • Novel food processing and packaging technologies
  • Biotechnological applications in food production
  • Development of alternative protein sources
  • Sustainable and eco-friendly food production practices

Advanced Fermentation Process Control

Our research in Advanced Fermentation Process Control is dedicated to optimizing and innovating the control of fermentation processes in the food industry. This area focuses on developing advanced methodologies and technologies to enhance the efficiency, safety, and quality of fermentation-based food production. Key areas of study include:

Modeling and Simulation of Fermentation Processes

Developing and utilizing advanced filtering techniques for precise state estimation and process control.

Knowledge-Based Systems: Creating intelligent software applications for the supervision and control of fermentation processes, integrating expert knowledge and real-time data.

Neural Network Models: Developing neural network models to obtain indirect information about state variables, enhancing the accuracy and reliability of process monitoring.

AI Tools for Process Management: Designing and implementing AI-based tools for modeling, predicting, and managing fermentation processes, driving innovation and efficiency in food production.