Internationalization Activities

Internationalization Activities – CCBIA

Internationalization Activities of the CCBIA Research Center


At CCBIA, we are dedicated to fostering international collaboration and enhancing the global reach of our research and educational initiatives. Our internationalization activities aim to build strong partnerships with leading institutions worldwide, facilitate cross-cultural exchanges, and contribute to the global scientific community.

Key Internationalization Activities

Our internationalization efforts encompass a wide range of activities, including:

  • Incoming Students: Welcoming international students to participate in our research programs and courses, fostering a diverse academic environment.
  • Outgoing Students: Providing our students with opportunities to study and conduct research abroad, enhancing their global perspective and academic experience.
  • Visiting Professors: Hosting esteemed professors from around the world to collaborate on research projects and share their expertise with our community.
  • Incoming Mobility: Staff and Teaching: Inviting international staff and faculty to engage in teaching and research activities at CCBIA, enriching our academic culture.
  • Outgoing Mobility: Staff and Teaching: Supporting our staff and faculty to participate in international teaching and research exchanges, broadening their professional horizons.
  • Teaching EU: Engaging in educational collaborations and exchanges with European Union institutions to promote academic excellence and innovation.
  • Teaching Non-EU: Establishing and nurturing partnerships with institutions outside the European Union to facilitate global knowledge exchange and cooperation.

Impact and Achievements

Through our internationalization activities, we aim to:

  • Enhance the quality and impact of our research by leveraging international expertise and resources.
  • Provide our students and faculty with opportunities for global exposure and professional development.
  • Contribute to solving global challenges through collaborative and interdisciplinary research.
  • Foster a diverse and inclusive academic environment that values cross-cultural interactions.

Our achievements in internationalization are a testament to our commitment to excellence and our vision of creating a globally connected and collaborative academic community.

Discover More About Our International Activities

For a comprehensive list of all our international activities and detailed information, please click the button below to download the full document.