
About Us

Advancing Knowledge and Innovation in Food Biotechnology and Engineering

Doctoral Research Laboratory

This laboratory is where young researchers develop and implement their innovative ideas. With state-of-the-art equipment and a team of experts, we provide an enriching environment that fosters academic excellence and professional growth. Our doctoral candidates work on groundbreaking projects, pushing the boundaries of food biotechnology and contributing valuable insights to the scientific community.

Research Laboratory in Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology

We delve into the fascinating world of microorganisms, unlocking their potential to revolutionize the food industry. Our research focuses on harnessing the power of beneficial microbes to enhance food safety, improve fermentation processes, and develop novel biotechnological applications. Through our cutting-edge studies, we aim to create sustainable and efficient solutions that benefit both consumers and producers.

Research Laboratory for Modeling, Simulation, and Advanced Control of Technological and Biotechnological Processes in the Food Industry

We are specialized in the modeling, simulation, and advanced control of processes and bioprocesses in the food industry. Our lab is equipped with state-of-the-art tools and technologies. We enhance fermentation process efficiency and safety by developing integrated systems for advanced management. Facilities include bioreactors, data acquisition systems, and software for precise control. Our work contributes to the optimization of fermentation processes, ensuring high-quality and safe food products, and pushing the boundaries of food biotechnology with cutting-edge research and technological advancements.

Research Laboratory for Food Engineers

At the intersection of engineering and innovation, our laboratory is dedicated to optimizing food production processes. We strive to develop technologies that not only meet the highest standards of quality and efficiency but also address the evolving challenges of the food industry. Our engineers work collaboratively on projects that span from improving packaging solutions to advancing automation in food manufacturing, ensuring a safer and more sustainable food supply.

Research Laboratory in Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Food Chemistry

Our research in biochemistry and food chemistry is pivotal in understanding the intricate details of food composition and the biochemical reactions that impact quality and safety. By investigating the molecular interactions and chemical properties of food components, we aim to develop innovative methods to enhance nutritional value, extend shelf life, and ensure the overall integrity of food products. Our work contributes to creating healthier and more sustainable food options for the global population.