
Our Mission

The mission of the Center for Biotechnology and Food Engineering (C.C.B.I.A.) focuses on providing scientific and technological support for the growth of the food and biotechnology sector, in line with industrial priorities.

Primary Mission

Our primary mission is to conduct biotechnology-oriented and food-applied research aimed at delivering services and technical products profitable to the industrial sector. We strive to advance scientific knowledge and innovation in these fields to meet the needs of our partners and stakeholders.

Business Practices

The operations of the C.C.B.I.A. center are developed in a favorable and transparent working environment. We pride ourselves on having highly qualified and motivated staff dedicated to delivering timely quality services and products to our customers. Our team is committed to maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and excellence in all our endeavors.

Commitment to Quality

At C.C.B.I.A., we are driven by a commitment to quality and innovation. Our goal is to support the food and biotechnology industries by providing cutting-edge research, expert consultancy, and state-of-the-art technological solutions. We work closely with our clients to ensure that our services and products meet their specific needs and contribute to their success.

Future Vision

Looking ahead, we envision a future where C.C.B.I.A. continues to be a leader in biotechnology and food engineering, fostering innovation and driving growth in these dynamic fields. We aim to expand our research capabilities, enhance our service offerings, and build stronger partnerships with industry leaders and academic institutions.