
History of the Research Center for Biotechnology and Food Engineering

The Research Center for Biotechnology and Food Engineering (C.C.B.I.A.) has a rich history of innovation and excellence. Established in 2007, it was founded with the vision to become a leading institution in the fields of biotechnology and food engineering.

Founding and Re-accreditation


The center was officially founded on January 29, 2007, by Order no. 34/2007, following the Senate Meeting held on December 20, 2006.


In 2014, the center was reactivated to further its mission and goals. This reactivation was formalized by the Re-accreditation Decision no. 81/1 on February 10, 2014, which recognized the center as a significant research entity within the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu. The decision was endorsed during the Senate Meeting on February 26, 2014.

Achievements and Contributions

Association of Specialists in the Food Industry

Since 2012, the Sibiu Branch of the Association of Specialists in the Food Industry, Education, Research, and Production in Romania (ASIAR) has been operational under the leadership of President Prof. Univ. Dr. Ing. Ovidiu Tița. ASIAR has successfully established itself as a robust platform that supports a comprehensive research infrastructure. This platform fosters a synergistic relationship between research, education, and production, facilitating close collaboration and innovation in the food industry.


  • 2007: Establishment – The foundation of the center laid the groundwork for a dedicated research facility aimed at advancing biotechnology and food engineering.
  • 2012: ASIAR Branch in Sibiu – The inception of the Sibiu Branch of ASIAR marked a significant expansion in the center’s collaborative efforts, integrating industry experts and academia to bolster research and innovation.
  • 2014: Re-accreditation and Reactivation – The re-accreditation in 2014 reaffirmed the center’s commitment to excellence and its pivotal role within the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, enabling enhanced research activities and academic contributions.

Our Legacy and Impact

Over the years, the Research Center for Biotechnology and Food Engineering has grown to become a beacon of scientific progress and industry collaboration. The center’s achievements reflect its dedication to pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge and its commitment to fostering a dynamic and innovative research environment.

Continuous Innovation

The center continues to lead in pioneering research, contributing to significant advancements in biotechnology and food engineering.

Collaborative Efforts

By working closely with industry partners, educational institutions, and research organizations, the center ensures that its findings are translated into practical solutions that benefit society.

Educational Excellence

Through its strong ties with the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, the center plays a crucial role in educating and training the next generation of scientists and engineers, preparing them to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.

The history of the Research Center for Biotechnology and Food Engineering is a testament to its enduring commitment to excellence, innovation, and collaboration. As we look to the future, we remain dedicated to our mission of advancing scientific knowledge and creating impactful solutions in the field of biotechnology and food engineering.