• IE105, 10 Victoriei Boulevard, Sibiu, Romania, Europe
  • Mon - Fri: 8AM to 20:00PM
  • center.incon@ulbsibiu.ro
  • +40752310871
  • INCON - Connected Intelligence Research Center

    Certified by the Ministry of National Education and Research
  • Research and Development

    Cyber Physical Social Systems

AMT Development (Automatic Motorcycle Transmission Development)

Consortium of AMT Development:

• Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (LBUS) – Faculty of Engineering

• Continental Automotive Systems S.R.L. Romania


Between 2016 and 2017 two joint research projects were conducted between Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (LBUS) – Faculty of Engineering and Continental Automotive Systems S.R.L (CAS). In both projects LBUS was the research services provider and CAS the beneficiary. LBUS’s research team included two associate professors and two students, managed by Dr. Eng. Radu Emanuil Petruse.

The first project focused on the development of a semi-automatic motorcycle transmission. The solution provided enabled the user to change the gears from an up/down switch without having to actuate the clutch lever or the gear change lever. Both actions were robotized.

The second project consisted in the development of an automatic motorcycle transmission. The solution provided by LBUS enabled an automatic gear change based on rpm/driving speed.

The outcome of the projects were two physical and digital prototypes which fulfilled all requirements imposed by the beneficiary.

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