• IE105, 10 Victoriei Boulevard, Sibiu, Romania, Europe
  • Mon - Fri: 8AM to 20:00PM
  • center.incon@ulbsibiu.ro
  • +40752310871
  • INCON - Connected Intelligence Research Center

    Certified by the Ministry of National Education and Research
  • Research and Development

    Cyber Physical Social Systems

INCON proudly presents the CPS Summer School 2017 hosted by Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu.

Cyber physical systems, composed of physical systems (hardware/mechanics), software systems and potentially other types of systems (e.g., human systems), are increasingly prevalent in society. CPSs have the potential to bring about significant social benefits, however bring a number of engineering challenges.
The CPS summer school is targeted at research scientists and students, and R&D experts from industry, who want to learn about advances in CPS engineering.

A program of briefings, tutorials and hands-on sessions will be delivered by industry experts and leading researchers in CPS from the INTO-CPS, CPSE Labs, AMASS EU projects and the MPM4CPS EU COST Action. Participants will have the opportunity to tailor their attendance of lectures and tutorials to their own interest.

Registration and more details can be found at:
