Funding: CNFIS-CDI
Project code/ Contract no: CNFIS-FDI-2018-0248 Project title: Ensuring the appropriate functioning of the student practice base – Rusciori didactic farm – and other infrastructures to support teaching and research activities in the agricultural field Asigurarea funcționării în bune condiții a bazei de practică – ferma didctică Rusciori – şi a altor infrastructuri de susținere a activităților didactice şi de cercetare în domeniul agricol Period: 15.05-15.12.2018 Coordinator: Prof. univ. dr. Romulus Iagăru Project value: 330000 lei Funding %: 91% FDI+ 9 % ULBS Team: Prof. Gligor Ciortea, Assoc. prof. Maria-Mihaela Antofie, Lecturer Ion Barbu, Lecturer Ioan Pășcănuț Summary: General objective of the project: to increase the institutional capacity and to improve the didactic and research activities organized and carried out in the practice base – Rusciori didactic farm. Specific objectives: [1] Improving the quality of provided activities and services, [2] Promoting provided activities and services as well as obtained results, [3] Vocational training for students, based on the development of practical skills. Type of services offered: solutions for organizing modern practical-applied activities. Results (publicații, rapoarte, lucrări de licență….) Web page |