Diversification, quality improvement and sustainability of activities in order to ensure the proper functioning of the practice base for students in Rusciori farm

Founding_national Pr_year_2020 Projects

Funding: CNFIS-CDI

Project code/ Contract no: CNFIS-FDI-2020-0207

Project title: Diversification, quality improvement and sustainability of activities in order to ensure the proper functioning of the practice base for students in Rusciori farm. (Diversificarea, îmbunătățirea calității și sustenabilitatea activităților în vederea asigurării unei funcționări în bune condiții a bazei de practică – ferma didactică Rusciori)

Period: 15.05-15.12.2020

Coordinator: Prof. univ. dr. Romulus Iagăru

Project value: 379500 lei

Funding %: 85% FDI+ 15 % ULBS

Team: Prof. Gligor Ciortea, Assoc. prof. Maria-Mihaela Antofie, Lecturer Ion Barbu, Lecturer Ioan Pășcănuț

Summary The general objective of the project: to diversify the experimental fields in agriculture and to capitalize on the quality of the assets needed to reduce the climate dependence and to adopt sustainable techniques for specific technologies. As specific objectives: [1] Improving the importance of teaching and research activities; [2] Promoting the required activities and the results obtained through research involving students [3] Developing students’ practice skills

Type of services provided: sustainability of the infrastructure to support a necessary activated practice and landscaping.