Comisia de istorie parlamentară

Grupul din România al Comisiei internaționale pentru istoria instituțiilor reprezentative și parlamentare (International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions – are drept scop promovarea cercetării originii și dezvoltării instituțiilor reprezentative și parlamentare, într-o manieră comparată. Grupul facilitează legăturile cu cercetători din străinătate, precum și schimbul de informații și bibliografie. Grupul este preocupat de teoria politică și practica instituțională a reprezentării, precum și de organizarea internă și fundamentul social și politic al instituției parlamentare.

Istoricii, sociologii, politologii interesați de orice aspect al istoriei instituțiilor reprezentative și parlamentare sunt invitați călduros să se alăture Grupului.

Persoană de contact: Sorin Radu (

Ovidiu Emil Iudean – Researcher at the “Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca. His scientific interests revolve around the history of parliamentarianism in Dualist Hungary, electoral phenomena, and nation-building strategy, focusing on the establishment of a Romanian middle class in Transylvania between the mid-19th and early 20th century. He obtained his PhD in 2013 with a thesis on the Romanian pro-governmental representatives in the Budapest Parliament. He has been part of several research grants focusing on the political elites in Transleithania and their parliamentary activity. His more recent preoccupations concern the study of national mechanisms that laid the basis for the formation of a Romanian middle class in Transylvania during the Dualist period, with emphasis on the shift in priority from educating mid-level clergymen to supporting Law students. In addition to a series of studies focusing on the abovementioned issues, his research has recently materialized in the volume The Romanian Governmental Representatives in the Budapest Parliament 1881-1918 (Mega, 2017) and his contribution to the volume coordinated by prof. Judith Pál, Parliamentary Elections in Eastern Hungary and Transylvania 1865-1918 (Peter Lang, 2017).


Mihaela Ivănescu – Lecturer PhD at the “Ovidius” University of Constanța (Romania), head of the Department of History and Political Science. She holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Bucharest (2012) and a B.A. in Political Science from “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași (2006). Her main research interests lie in the fields of comparative politics, the study of electoral systems and electoral behaviours, political attitudes and electoral behaviour in Romania. She is the chief editor of the journal Analele Universității „Ovidius” din Conmstanța – seria Științe Politice (Annals of the „Ovidius” University of Constanța – Political Science Series). Recent publications include: Alegeri și comportamente electorale în România. De la local la național (Elections and Electoral Behaviours in Romania. From the Local to the National), Editura Universitară, București, 2015; “Benchmarks in Contemporary Political Theory: Anthony Downs and the Rational Irrationality in the Study of Electoral Behaviours”, in Daniel Citirigă, Georgiana Țăranu, Adrian-Alexandru Herța (coord.), Intelectualii politicii și politica intelectualilor, Editura Cetatea de Scaun, Târgoviște, 2016, pp. 435-447; “Not Just an Ordinary Protest Vote: the Eurosceptic Voter in the 2014 European Parliament Elections”, în International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts (SGEM 2016), Conference Proceedings, Book 2 (Political Sciences, Law, Finance, Economics & Tourism), Volume II, 2016, pp. 251-258; “The Difficult Road of Transition: the Romanian Elections from 1990 and 1992 and Their Political Consequences”, în Revista de Științe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques, nr. 47/2015, pp. 124-134.


Gabriel Moisa– Professor habil. at the University of Oradea, vice-dean of the Faculty of History, International Relations, Political Science and Communications Studies. His fields of research contain history of historiography and contemporary Romanian history. He is scientific director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies Oradea-Chisinau under the aegis of the Romanian Academy, member of the International Commission of Parliamentary History. He is a chief editor of the journal Crisia and Analele Universităţii din Oradea. Seria istorie-Arheologie. Latest publications: History, Ideology and Politics in Communist Romania 1948-1989, Eötvös Lorand Kiadó, Budapesta, 2012, 492 p.; Cultura şi istoria românilor din Ungaria, Academia Română. Centrul de Studii Transilvane, Cluj-Napoca, 2013, 350 p.;  Structuri anticomuniste din vestul României. Grupul Adrian Mihuţ, Editura MEGA, Cluj-Napoca, 2012, 320 p.; „Doar nu e Nicolae”. Nicolae Coroiu între mica şi marea istorie, Editura Universităţii din Oradea/Editura Muzeului Ţării Crişurilor din Oradea, Oradea, 2015, 187 p, and a number of scientific studies in publications from Hungary, Italy, France, Moldova, Slovakia, Poland


Alexandru Nicolaescu (born at 30 of January 1987), PhD in history from 2015 with PhD. thesis entitled Transylvania magazine: standing order, historiographic and bibliologic content (1868-1919). Curator at Brukenthal National Museum from Sibiu, since 2014. Research assistant at the University “Lucian Blaga” from Sibiu in “Communism in Romanian Countryside. Case Study: Ploughmen’s Front Propaganda (1944-1953)” research project, financed by CNCS– UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-RU-TE-2012-3-0334 (2013-2015). Romanian Academy Fellow in the project “Plural and interdisciplinary in doctoral and post-doctoral programmes” Project Code POSDRU/159/1.5/S/141086. The main topics of interest are Romanian history in the 19th and 20th centuries, media and cultural history in the 19th and 20th centuries, the political history of the interwar period and the history of political elites. Among the last published studies: “The place and editorial characteristic of Transylvania magazine in the Romanian press (1868-1919)”, Studia Universitatis Cibiniensis. Series Historica, Volume XI, 2014; “Relationship between Ploughmen Front and world villages intellectuals (1945-1948)”, in Cosmin Budeanca, Florentin Olteanu (eds.), Identități sociale, culturale, etnice și religioase în comunism (Social, Culture, Ethnicity and Religious Identities in Communism), Iași, Editura Polirom, 2016; “Transylvania magazine and the other cultural societies’ magazines of the Austro-Hungarian Empire nationalities”, Brukenthal Acta Musei, vol. XI, 2016.


Judit Pál – PhD, Dr habil. is a Historian, professor at Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj (Romania), Faculty of History and Philosophy. She specializes in the history of 18th and 19th century Transylvania, in urban history, parliamenteray history, social history (history of administrative and political elites), and in the history of Armenians. Author of the volumes: Procesul de urbanizare în scaunele secuieşti în secolul al XIX-lea (Urbanization in the Szekler seats during the 19th century), Cluj-Napoca, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 1999; Városfejlődés a Székelyföldön 1750–1914 (Urban development in Szeklerland, 1750–1914), Csíkszereda, Pro-Print, 2003; Armeni în Transilvania. Contribuţii la procesul de urbanizare şi dezvoltare economică a provinciei / Armenians in Transylvania. Their Contribution to the Urbanization and the Economic Development of the Province, Cluj-Napoca, Romanian Cultural Institute, Center for Transylvanian Studies, 2005; Aristokrat v službách štátu. Gróf Emanuel Péchy (An Aristocrate in the Service of the State) with Roman Holec, Bratislava, Kalligram, 2006; Unió vagy „unificáltatás”? Erdély uniója és a királyi biztos működése (1867–1872) (Union or Annexation? The Union of Transylvania with Hungary and the Activity od the Royal Commissionar, 1867–1872) Kolozsvár, Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület, 2010; András Vári, Judit Pál, Stefan Brakensiek, Herrschaft an der Gränze. Mikrogeschichte der Macht im östlichen Ungarn im 18. Jahrhundert. Köln – Weimar – Wien, Böhlau, 2014. (Adelswelten, 2.); A Habsburg Monarchia története, 1526−1848 (History of Habsburg Monarchy, 1526−1848), Kolozsvár/Cluj, Mega, 2014; coeditor of the historical bibliography of Romanian towns: Bibliografia istorică a oraşelor din România, ed. Vasile Ciobanu, Judit Pál, Anda-Lucia Spânu, Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Române, 2008, Elites and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe (1848−1918) (with Vlad Popovici). Frankfurt am Main etc., Peter Lang, 2014; coeditor of other volumes and author of several studies.
As a director, she led the research grant: The Political Elite from Transylvania (2011−2016). She is member of the editorial review board of Colloquia. Journal of Central European History and also serves as an Editorial Board member for the historical journals: Századok (Budapest), Urbs. Magyar Várostörténeti Évkönyv (Budapest), Historia Urbana (Sibiu), and Central European Papers (Opava, Czech Republic).


Vlad Popovici – Lecturer at Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania). His scientific interest lies with Romanian history of the 19th and early 20th centuries – in particular history of Transylvania –, history of elites, and employment of computer science in historical research. He led two research grants: a post-doctoral grant focusing on the Romanian political elite in Transylvania and Hungary prior to 1918, and a “team of young researchers” grant:  Collective Actors in Modern Age   Transylvania  (1850-1918).   Romanian   Elite   Groups in Historical Perspective.  Within the framework of the latter he is currently building a database of Romanian upper- and middleclass representatives involved in politics, banking system, scholarly and cultural societies, church and school life, in an attempt to recreate as much as possible of the social networks that cemented the Romanian   civil   society   in   Transylvania   and   Hungary   before   1918.  Among   his   latest   publications   worth mentioning is a volume co-edited with Judit Pál (Elites and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe (1848-1918), Peter Lang, 2014), and an extensive prosopographical and election results catalogue to which he is co-author (J.Pál et alii, Parliamentary Elections in Eastern Hungary and Transylvania 1865-1918, Peter Lang, 2017).


Sorin Radu – Professor habil. at the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu (Romania), Dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Science and head of the Research Centre of Patrimony and Socio-Cultural History. His fields of research contain Romanian history in the 19th and 20th centuries, history of the political parties, political culture and electoral system and parliamentary institutions. He is a convenor for Romania at the International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions, member of the European Information and Research Network on Parliamentary History and member of the European Rural History Organisation. As a director, he led contracts and research grants (such as the grant Communism in Romanian Countryside. Case Study: Ploughmen’s Front Propaganda (1944-1953), 2013-2016). He is the chief editor of the journal “Studia Universitatis Cibiniensis. Series Historica”. Latest publications: Parliamentarism and Political Structures in East-Central and Southeastern Europe in the Interwar Period (editor in collaboration with Hans-Christian Maner), 2012; The Countryside and Communism in Eastern Europe: Perceptions, Attitudes, Propaganda (editor in collaboration with Cosmin Budeancă), Wien, Zürich, Munster, LIT Verlag, 2016 , and a number of scientific studies in prestigious publications from abroad: “Slovanský přehled” (Prague), “Bulgarian Historical Review” (Sofia), “Historicky časopis” (Bratislava), “Kwartalnik Historyczny” (Warsaw), “The Historical Review/La Revue Historique” (Athens).


Andrei Florin Sora –PhD, is Associate Professor at the University of Bucharest (Faculty of History). His research interests include: political, military and administrative elites in 19th and 20th centuries, the history of the Romanian civil service, history of higher education. His dissertation (Servir l’État roumain. Le corps préfectoral, 1866-1940) was published in 2011 by Bucharest University Press. Recently, together with Marius Diaconescu he has coordinated a scholarly edition (seven volumes so far) dedicated to the creation of Greater Romania after World War I (Ziarele românești despre Unirea Basarabiei, Bucovinei și Transilvaniei, Bucharest, Ars Historica, 2018), and with Bogdan Murgescu he has coordinated the volume România Mare votează. Alegerile parlamentare din 1919 „la firul ierbii” [Greater Romania votes. The 1919 Parliamentary Elections at „Grassroots Level”] (Iaşi, Polirom, 2019).


Georgi Diana Lutz – Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Demography, Faculty of Science, Charles University of Prague, Czechia. Alumni of Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania). Their research interests include history of elites, population studies, history of the Habsburg Monarchy. Their previous research focused on the relationships between the Romanians from Transylvania and those from Romania before the First World War. Current research is focused on a comparative perspective over the political and demographic behavior of the German elected deputies from Bohemia and Transylvania to the parliaments of Vienna and Budapest before the First World War, and to the parliaments of Prague and Bucharest afterwards. Their latest published papers are: Lutz, D. G., “Preliminary Inquiries into The Demographic Behavior of the Saxon Political Elite from Transylvania (Mid. 19th – Mid. 20th Centuries),” in Historická demografie (2021); Lutz, D.G., Popovici, V., “Faire son entrée dans le milieu virtuel : numérisation de la mémoire de la Grande Guerre et de la Grande Union de 1918 en Roumanie,” in I. Roxin et alii (eds.), Information, Communication et Humanités Numériques. Actes du 23e Colloque Bilateral Franco-Roumain en Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication 18, 19 et 20 octobre 2018 (2019).


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