CRPSIRES carries out activities to initiate, coordinate and capitalize on scientific research projects related to the causes, forms of expression, stage and perspectives of the Transnistrian conflict.
In order to achieve this goal, CRPSIRES will use the following methods and means:
1. Organization of conferences, workshops, round tables and seminars, to which experts on the Transnistrian issue will be invited;
2. Publication of scientific research in volumes, in its own scientific publications (the journal “Studia Securitatis” and the volume of the annual international conference “Political Science, International Relations and Security Studies”), in the scientific publications of the partners of the Center for Research in Political Science, International Relations and European Studies, in other profile publications;
3. Organizing research internships in Transnistria and neighboring areas, for individual researchers or for research teams who will present to the CRPSIRES executive management a viable project, approved as such;
4. Submitting projects in competitions organized by governmental and non-governmental institutions, Romanian and foreign, as sole proprietors or in partnership, in order to obtain the necessary funding for their own research projects;
5. Organizing a research laboratory within CRPSIRES (https://lact.ro/);
6. Dissemination of public information on current events in Transnistria and the activities of this laboratory through its own website, as well as through press releases sent to the media.
Центр Исследований в области Политологии, Международных Отношений и Европейских Исследований намерена использовать следующие методы и средства:
1. Oрганизация конференций, семинаров и круглых столов, на которые будут приглашены эксперты по приднестровскому конфликту;
2. Публикация научных исследований, в своих научных публикациях (журнал «Studia Securitatis» и журнал ежегодной международной конференции “Политология, Международные Отношения и Исследования в Области Безопасности”), в научных публикациях партнеров Центра Исследований в области Политологии, Международных Отношений и Европейских Исследований, а также в других публикациях по этой специальности;
3. Oрганизация научно-исследовательских стажировок в Приднестровье и соседних областях для отдельных исследователей или исследовательских групп, которые должны будут представить руководству Центр Исследований в области Политологии, Международных Отношений и Европейских Исследований утвержденный и жизнеспособный проект;
4. Yчастие собственных научно-исследовательских проектов (а также проектов разработанных в партнерстве) в конкурсах, организованных государственными учреждениями, румынскими и иностранными, для получения необходимого финансирование своих научно-исследовательских работ;
5. Oрганизация исследовательской лаборатории в рамках Центрa Исследований в области Политологии, Международных Отношений и Европейских Исследований (ЛАПК – https://lact.ro/)
6. Pаспространение общественной информации о текущих событиях в Приднестровье и деятельность ЛАПК через собственный веб-сайт и через пресс-релизы, отправленные в СМИ
Researchers: Marius Șpechea (coordinator), Vasile Tabără, Nicoleta Annemarie Munteanu, Tatiana Toma, Mihai Melintei

CRPSIRES aims to implement and capitalize on research activities and projects related to the theoretical bases, legal expression and tools for monitoring the observance of citizens’ rights and freedoms at national and international level. To this end, CRPSIRES will use an inter- and trans-disciplinary methodology, based on theoretical tools specific to political science, international law, international relations, security studies, etc.
In order to accomplish its mission, CRPSIRES will use the following methods and means:
- Organization of conferences, workshops, debates and other categories of events, to which experts (university professors, researchers, civil society representatives, lawyers, officials with responsibilities in the field) on the issue of civil rights and freedoms will be invited;
- Publishing scientific research in volumes, studies, articles, policy-paper, policy-brief reports, etc .;
- Organization of research internships at national and international administrative institutions and at civil society organizations with the profile of civil rights and freedoms, for individual researchers or for research teams, which will present to the CRPSIRES executive management a research project, approved as such;
- Submission of projects in competitions organized by governmental and non-governmental institutions, Romanian and foreign, as sole owner or in partnership, in order to obtain the necessary funding for their own research projects.
Researchers: Dragoș Dragoman (coordinator), Dana Alexandru, Andreea Zamfira, Emilia Tomescu, Iuliana Neagoș.

CRPSIRES aims to research the human security theoretical fundamental basics as well as its applications in the economic, social, political, food security, health, environmental, personal, etc., in the context of new threats within the national and international security environment.
CRPSIRES projects will address human security in a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary paradigm, by relating to sustainable development, respect for human rights, conflict prevention and resolution etc. – having as a key benchmark the United Nation system way to evaluates, develops and implement integrated strategies – in collaboration with governments, communities and non-governmental organizations.
For this purpose CRPSIRES will use research methodologies specific to the science/scientific fields: public international law, human rights, humanitarian law, security studies, crisis communication management, religion, history, political and administrative sciences, cultural studies etc.
In order to accomplish its mission, CRPSIRES will use the following working tools:
- organizing conferences, workshops, debates and other categories of events, to which experts (academics, researchers, civil society representatives, lawyers, officials, journalists);
- publishing scientific research in volumes, studies, articles, reports, policy papers, policy briefs, etc.;
- submission of projects in competitions organized by international organizations and foundations, governmental and non-governmental institutions, on their own or in partnership, in order to obtain the funding for their own research projects;
- Organizing a research laboratory within CRPSIRES (https://humansecurity.webnode.ro/);
- disseminating information on recent events and phenomena regarding the threats on human security, through its own website/blog, as well as through press releases sent to the media.
Researchers: Nicoleta Annemarie Munteanu PhD – coordinator (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu), Eugen Străuțiu PhD (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu), Gabriel Șerban PhD (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu), Andreea Dragomir PhD (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu), Dan Solescu PhD (”Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy), Alexandru Kiș PhD (University of Oradea)