Joint Statement by the mediators and the observers in the Permanent Conference on Political Issues in the Framework of the Negotiation Process on the Transdniestrian Settlement in the 5+2 format following their 3-4 June 2021 visit to Chisinau and Tiraspol

CHISINAU, 4 June 2021 — The mediators and observers in the Permanent Conference on Political Issues in the Framework of the Negotiation Process on the Transdniestrian Settlement in the 5+2 format visited Chisinau and Tiraspol on 3-4 June 2021 for talks with the Moldovan and Transdniestrian leaderships.

During their visit, the mediators and observers met in Chisinau with Moldovan President, Maia Sandu, Acting Prime Minister, Aureliu Ciocoi, as well as Acting Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration and Chief Negotiator, Olga Cebotari. In Tiraspol, they met with Transdniestrian leader, Vadim Krasnoselsky, and Chief Negotiator, Vitaly Ignatiev.

The mediators and observers welcomed the dialogue between both Sides on the level of political representatives and joint expert working groups; the enhanced co-ordination and interaction of the Sides in addressing the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, in particular the distribution of vaccines; as well as the recent steps taken towards the restoration of freedom of movement between both banks.

At the same time, they underlined the need for a continued, intensive and constructive dialogue aimed at further strengthening the dynamic in the settlement process. In this respect, they encouraged the Sides to address, as a matter of priority, outstanding technical and practical issues with respect to the joint registration of vehicles from Transdniestria.

The mediators and observers urged the Sides to work towards the full and continuous implementation of the “Berlin-plus” package and encouraged them to develop, based on the progress made in this respect, joint proposals on further confidence-building measures as well as to intensify their dialogue on and efforts with regard to the protection of human rights.

The mediators and observers welcomed in this respect the readiness of both Sides to work towards holding a result-oriented meeting in the 5+2 format in Stockholm this autumn. The mediators and observers further welcomed the readiness of both Sides to address selected priority issues from the joint expert working groups in a retreat in Bavaria, Germany to be organized by the OSCE Mission to Moldova by the end of this year.

Talks in the 5+2 format include representatives of the Sides: Moldova and Transdniestria, the mediators from the OSCE, the Russian Federation and Ukraine, as well as the observers from the European Union and the United States of America.